Many people often overlook their daily hygiene routines. You find yourself following the same monotonous routine each morning to start your day. You hop in the shower, wash your hair, shave, and scrub. After, you apply face wash products, dry your hair, and do your makeup.
Have you ever considered what products you are using? Have you thought about why your skin is constantly drying out even when you use moisturiser? Do you struggle with oily skin? Your soap greatly affects the elasticity of your skin. You may think that you are cleaning deep in your pores when in reality, you are smearing chemicals all over your body.
pH Level
Your skin’s pH level will contribute to skin problems such as oil, rash, and redness. Have you ever wondered what level regular soaps are on the market? Typically, soaps range between a pH level of 9 and 11. Researchers have found that skin hovers around a 4.7 pH level.
When you are using soap with higher pH levels, you are increasing the risk of skin issues. The lower levels on the pH scale are more acidic. The alkaline pH of soap can decrease the natural acidity of your skin. It may dry out, become irritated, and crack.
Soap containers hold soap conveniently in your washroom to grab and use. A soap bar is easy to rub directly on the skin, while soap gels and liquids are even easier to apply. However, it is best never to apply soap directly on your skin. You should always use water to create a lather, then use the lather to wash your body.
Herbal Soaps
Herbal soaps produce (known as ผลิตสบู่สมุนไพร in Thai) healing properties. With so many soap products on the market, it can be difficult navigating which product is better than the other. Herbal soaps have natural ingredients that are plant-based as well as other ingredients such as herb essences, essential oils, and spices.
You will find many herbal soap products that include one or more of the following ingredients:
- Lavender
- Peppermint
- Oatmeal
- Avocado
- Spearmint
- Honey
- Olive oil
- Shea butter
These ingredients have properties that help to heal and regenerate skin cells. They contain natural antioxidants and vitamins.
Antibacterial Soap
Antibacterial soaps are best for handwashing hygiene routines. They contain properties including triclocarban and triclosan. Antibacterial soaps work to fight and kill off micro-organisms. You can purchase these soaps in different forms such as bars and liquids.
You will notice that when you are constantly washing your hands with antibacterial soap, they may dry out and crack; this is common with antibacterial soaps. You will want to use a deep moisturiser in conjunction with constant handwashing practices. While some people may use antibacterial soap to wash their entire bodies, it can cause severe skin irritation.